Infrastructure and Public Works
Development Projects

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Lasalle specializes in the provision of key services to the natural (Oil & Gas) resources industry and provides a driving force to co-ordinate many projects in Middle East countries. The company’s experiences and range of services cover every aspect of a project from feasibility studies carried out through basic and detailed design & engineering to drilling and final commissioning.

Road and Bridge Building Projects

LaSalle International has participated in road and bridge building projects on a global level.

We partner with state departments of transportation and localities to provide them with all aspects of the road and bridge building process

from design to development and supply of required materials, as well as the equipment and the expertise needed for land acquisition and project planning.

Our team comprises experienced architects, engineers and high level of expert project managers along with experienced contractors who are able to finish a road construction or bridge building project within a specified amount of time and within cost boundaries.

Sewer Systems and Water Treatment Plants

We help improve infrastructure through assistance in the construction, reconstruction, and deployment of sewer systems and water treatment plants.

We provide construction assistance and consulting services that help with various aspects of the project, as well as how to begin successful operations.

Our goal is to ensure a sanitary environment for the people within the service areas of these systems.

Electricity Generation Plants and Grid Distribution Systems

Lasalle assists power plants in expansion and grid distribution systems.

We aid in the mapping and help ensure all legal requirements are met by keeping costs low.

We also connect power companies with the help needed for the building and expansion of grid distribution systems and other operational materials.;

International Water Port Development with Full Commercial Shipping Facilitation

LaSalle International specializes in the import and export of goods to ensure businesses can have a positive economic impact through their product offerings.

We aid in the development of water ports that help make international shipping easier and more productive for the shipment of commercial goods.;

International Airport Development

International flight is important for both personal and business travel. The development of international airports makes travel easier for those needing to travel between countries.

LaSalle International provides materials for construction needs, as well as ensures that construction crews with the proper experience and expertise are on-site.

In addition, consulting services regarding the development of the airport and how to make it as sufficient as possible are available.